Today in Dallas, United States

Some clouds. Low 68F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph.

Rain showers in the morning with thunderstorms developing in the afternoon. Gusty winds and small hail are possible. High 78F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60%.

This weather data was last updated 2024-05-04 06:09:37.


P Cloudy


5 days on...

  • Tonight P Cloudy
  • Tomorrow T-Storms
  • Tomorrow night T-Storms
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  • Monday Sct T-Storms
  • Monday night T-Storms
  • Tuesday P Cloudy
  • Tuesday night M Clear
  • Wednesday PM T-Storms

Dallas Weather

Dallas, Texas has a hot and humid climate that is prone to storms, and its climate is categorized as humid, subtropical climate. Because it is on the interior of the U.S., Dallas sees more volatile and extreme weather than many cities along the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Summers are typically hot, with dry, warm northern and western winds, and during the winter, warm, humid southern air will sometimes overtake the cold air, producing freezing rain. Spring in Dallas can be volatile, as warm Gulf air clashes with cool fronts from the north. These clashing fronts can bring strong thunderstorms and tornadoes. Dallas weather is typically mild in the fall, unlike cities further south in Texas. Dallas has an average of 6.5 days of precipitation per month, which is below the national average.

In addition, Dallas sees only a couple of inches of snow per year, significantly lower than the national average of 25 inches per year. Dallas is located 522 ft. above sea level. At 5.7, the UV index is slightly higher than the U.S. average of 4.3. Because of its heat and humidity, Dallas weather rates 25 on the comfort index, with 100 being the most comfortable. The U.S. average comfort index rating is 44.

Spring In Dallas

Dallas weather in the spring is pleasant, as temperatures average 69F (20.5C) in March, 76F (24.4C) in April, and 84F (28.8C) in May. However, severe thunderstorms are common in the spring as warm fronts from the Gulf of Mexico combine with cooler air from the North. Dallas lies at the end of Tornado Alley, and it is not unusual for thunderstorms producing strong winds, severe lightning, hail, and an occasional tornado to come through during the evenings. May brings the most precipitation, with an average of 5.31 inches, whereas March and April bring only 3.2 to 3.5 inches respectively.

March receives an average of 0.1 inches of snowfall, but April and May receive none. Spring brings the highest average wind speeds to Dallas, with 12.6 mph in March and April, and 11.1 mph in May. The average relative humidity in the spring for Dallas weather is 70.5 percentages.

Summer In Dallas

Dallas weather in the summer months is hot and humid. The summer months average 333 hours of sunshine, and the average high temperature of 96F (35.5C) in July and August is higher than the national average of 86.6F (30.3C). Temperatures in June average 92F (33.3C). On average of 25 days of each summer month are hotter than 90F (32.2C). The summer months bring an average of 2.85 inches of precipitation to Dallas, with June receiving the highest amounts at 3.94 inches. Although summer thunderstorms are not uncommon for Dallas weather, they are not as volatile or dangerous as the ones occurring in the spring. Wind speeds in the summer average 9.8 mph.

Fall In Dallas

Dallas weather in the fall is typically mild and pleasant. Temperatures average 89F (31.6C) in September, 79F (26.1C) in October, and 66F (18.8C) in November. Wind speeds average 9.2 mph in the fall. September in Dallas brings an average of 3.1 inches of precipitation, and the average in October is 4.1 inches. November receives only about 2.2 inches of precipitation. Thunderstorms do occur during the fall months, but they tend to be less severe than the ones occurring in the spring.

September usually brings an average of 14 days with temperatures above 90F (32.2C), but October only averages one or two, and November has no days over 90F (32.2C). September and October usually receive no snowfall, and November averages just 0.1 inches. Dallas weather in the fall continues to be humid, with an average relative humidity of 68.5 percentages.

Winter In Dallas

Although some occasional freezing rain is seen in the winter in Dallas due to warm southern air fronts clashing with cooler northern air, Dallas weather in the winter brings many days with a high temperature above 65F (18.3C). This is considerably warmer than the national average temperature during the winter months. December temperatures average 57F (13.8C) with an average low of 39F (3.8C). January temperature averages are 55F (12.7C), and February are 61F (16.1C). January and February both have average lows for temperature similar to that of December, so days with temperatures that drop below freezing are infrequent, with January averaging the most at 14.

Dallas weather in the winter brings only an average of 2.24 inches of precipitation. Very little snow falls in Dallas, Texas when compared to the national average of 25 inches per year. December averages 0.2 inches of snow, January averages 1.1 inches, and February averages 0.9 inches.



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